Beckenham Dog Training Club
Kennel Club Registered


Beckenham Dog Training Club was established in 1957.
We have a new Clubhouse:
The Scout Hut, rear of 37 George Lane, Hayes, BR2 7LG (please park in George Lane, NOT on the unmade road)
Our members are supported by a team of experienced instructors from various fields of dog training who have attended a wide variety of courses.
Our club is dedicated to improving the bond between dog and owner
Promoting responsible dog ownership
Gentle, praise and reward based training methods and play
The Kennel Club Good Citizen Dog Scheme - Puppy Foundation Assessment, Bronze, Silver & Gold
Newcomer classes for older/rescue dogs and puppies
Ongoing pet obedience classes
Social events and fun activities to enjoy with your dog
Annual Club membership is just £10! You don't even have to be a dog owner!
Please use the menu tabs to find out more about our club.
If you require further information please email the Club Secretary, Elizabeth: beckenhamdtc@gmail.com
BDTC are proud to have been involved in this great video A DOGGIE NEEDS LOVE